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Weathered Brick Slips and Brick Cladding suitable for External Walls, building Elevations, Fireplace surraundings. 


£29.10 / box(es) *
Product data sheet

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Stone Surface Sealant for Exterior Stone Cladding and Interior Stacked Stone tiles. We supply all sundries required for STone Wall projects. 

£14.50 / unit(s) *

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can be shipped within 3 days

Brick Slips and Stone Cladding accessories, 10 mm Brick Slips Spacers allowing fast and easy installation. 

£6.99 / pack(s) *

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can be shipped within 3-5 days

Proffessional Pointing Mortar - Grout for Stone, Bricks, Brick Slips, available in many colours will suit your Interior & Exterior Project. 

from £13.75 / pack(s) *

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can be shipped within 3-5 days